Names of the month

The Bahá'í calendar, known as the Badí' calendar, is a unique system with 19 months of 19 days each, making up a 361-day year. Each month is named after an attribute of God, such as Splendor, Glory, Light, Mercy, and Beauty. These names are not just markers of time but carry profound meaning, inviting reflection on these divine qualities as part of daily life.

To celebrate and bring these attributes to life, we began an inspiring project: creating a short animated film for each month, with each animation capturing the essence of that month’s attribute through art, storytelling, and music. We hope these films can inspire reflection and bring the beauty of the Bahá'í calendar to a wider audience, connecting viewers to these universal values.

However, we’ve recently encountered technical limitations that have put our project on hold. Our current hardware isn’t equipped to handle the level of rendering and animation needed to complete the series as we envisioned. We’re hopeful that with the necessary funds, we can upgrade our equipment and resume creating these films. Until then, we extend our gratitude to our supporters and look forward to continuing this project soon.

Please visit out Youtube channel and click subscribe button to be alerted when we publish next installment.

Bahá'í months and their English meanings
  • Bahá (Splendor)
  • Jalál (Glory)
  • Jamál (Beauty)
  • ‘Aẓamat (Grandeur)
  • Núr (Light)
  • Raḥmat (Mercy)
  • Kalimát (Words)
  • Kamál (Perfection)
  • Asmá’ (Names)
  • ‘Izzat (Might)
  • Mashíyyat (Will)
  • ‘Ilm (Knowledge)
  • Qudrat (Power)
  • Qawl (Speech)
  • Masá’il (Questions)
  • Sharaf (Honor)
  • Sulṭán (Sovereignty)
  • Mulk (Dominion)
  • ‘Alá’ (Loftiness)